Full CV and Industry Resume available upon request.
Further information on scholarships, publishing, presentations, non-academic employment history, and volunteer experience is detailed extensively on my LinkedIn page. 


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Interdisciplinary Studies                                     2022- 2026
University of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon, SK

Master of Arts (MA), Medical Sociology                                                          2019- 2021
University of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon, SK

Bachelor of Arts, Honours (Summa Cum Laude)                                                       2019
York University - Toronto, ON

Medical Administrative Assistant (Honours)                                                              2014
Academy of Learning Career Campus - Saskatoon,SK

Awards,  Scholarships & Honours

Research Excellence in Interdisciplinary Studies Award                                         2024
CGPS & Graduate Student Association, USask

Laura Bassi Scholarship                                                                                                                2024
Editorial Funding Assistance Award

SSHRC CGS-Doctoral Scholarship Recipient                                                  2023- 2026
Tri-Agency Canada Graduate Scholarships
36 Months of Doctoral Funding - $105,000

Saskatchewan’s Innovation & Opportunity Scholarship                                  2023- 2026
Government of Saskatchewan
36 Months of Doctoral Funding - $22,500

MHRC-SHRF Mental Health Impact Scholarship                                                      2023
Mental Health Research Canada, Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation                         
Doctoral Studentship Research Grant, $15,000

Outstanding Graduating Sociology Student (MA) Award                                     2022
Canadian Sociological Association - Honour

Dean’s Scholarship Doctoral Student Recipient                                               2022- 2025
University of Saskatchewan - $66,000.00

Lee Student Support Fund (SSSP) Travel Award                                                       2022
The Study for the Society of Social Problems - $500.00

USask Featured “Young Innovator” Researcher                                                        2021
University of Saskatchewan – Honour, Feature, Publication

Dean’s Scholarship CGS-M Student Recipient                                                            2019
University of Saskatchewan - $36,000.00

Tri-Council CGS-M - SSHRC Recipient                                                                            2019
University of Saskatchewan - $17,500.00
York University – Awarded, Declined
McMaster University – Awarded, Declined

Saskatchewan Opportunity Scholarship                                                                        2019
University of Saskatchewan - $6,000.00

Blishen-Richmond Award in Sociology                                                                           2019
York University - $300.00 - Top Sociology 2019
Graduand based on outstanding academic merit

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Recipient                                                        2019
York University - $15,000 – Awarded, Declined

Sociology Undergraduate Academic Conference
Mastery Award re: Best Presentation
York University - $50.00, Honour

Continuing Student Scholarship                                                                                       2018
York University - $990.00

Liberal Arts & Professional Studies                                                                                   2018
Sessional Academic Achievement – 8.8 Cumulative GPA
York University - Honour

Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Dean’s                                                           2018, 2017
Award for Academic Excellence
York University – Honour

Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Writing Prize                                                   2018
York University – Best 3rd Year Paper

Golden Key International Honour Society                                                                     2017
York University Chapter – Honour

International Student & Study Abroad Centre Conference Travel Award                 2017
University of Saskatchewan - $1,000.00

University of British Columbia President’s Entrance Scholarship                  2008
UBC, Vancouver Campus - $40,000 over 4 years, Declined

Soroptimist Club’s Promising Women Award & Scholarship,
and Ralph Morris Language Arts Award & Scholarship
Nutana Collegiate Institute - $500.00

Research Experience

Research Assistant – Office of One Health& Wellness
                      2019 - Present
University of Saskatchewan  
Supervisor: Dr. Colleen A. Dell

UX Researcher – Family Health Lab                                                              2022 - 2023
University of Saskatchewan, Psychology Department
Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Gagnon

Research Assistant – Improving Pain in Saskatchewan                     2021 - 2023
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Health Region
Supervisor: Dr. Susan Tupper

Research Assistant – The Bohr Lab                                                               2017 - 2019
LaMarsh Center for Child and Youth Research, York University
Supervisor: Dr. Yvonne Bohr

Research Assistant – Falling in Love with Research (FLR)               2018 - 2019
Sociology Department, York University
Supervisor: Joshua Armstrong

Research Assistant – Psychology Department                                         2017
University of Saskatchewan
Supervisor: Dr. Melanie Morrison

Additional Administration Experience

Knowledge Translation Specialist & Patient Advocate
             February 2021– June 2023
Saskatchewan Pain Society – Contract Work
University of Saskatchewan – Saskatoon, SK

“PAWS Your Stress” Program Coordinator                             May 2019 – January 2021
Office of the Research Chair in One Health& Wellness
University of Saskatchewan – Saskatoon, SK

Medical Administrative Assistant - General, Psychiatric,                                           2016
& Palliative Care Pediatrics at the College of Medicine
Royal University Hospital - Saskatoon, SK

Medical Administrative Assistant - Plastic Surgery                                                    2015
Saskatchewan Health Authority - Saskatoon, SK

Legal Administrative Assistant                                                                                     2015
Merlis Belsher Holdings Inc. – Saskatoon, SK

Teaching Experience

Sociology 307 – Animals in Society
                                     Winter 2022, Fall 2022, Fall 2023, Winter 2024
University of Saskatchewan – Dr. Colleen Dell                             


Refereed Contributions

SUBMITTED - Pavelich, A., Dell, C., & De Groot, P. (2024). Exploring the role of service dogs for Canadian military Veterans experiencing suicidality. Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research Annual Conference,  Winnipeg, MB, October 21-23.

ACCEPTED - Pavelich, A., Dell, C.A., McKenzie, H., Stempien, J., Hozack, A.,Rowsell, A.,& Smith, J. The PAWSitive impact of visiting therapy dogs for patients presenting to the emergency department for mental health and substance use concerns. NIDA International Forum, CPDD International Research Poster Session. Montreal, Quebec, June 15. 

ACCEPTED - Dell, C. Williamson,L., Rath, G., Pavelich, A., Roma, R., Mousavian, G., & Tetrault, C. (2024)Unleashing understanding: Developing a reciprocal canine-human bond  scale to enhance relationships and well being. CALAS: The Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science Annual Symposium. Saskatoon, SK, June 24.

ACCEPTED - Pavelich, A., McKenzie, H., Dell, C., Stempien, J., Rowsell, L.,Hozack, A., Carey,B., & Smith, J. (2024). Integrating Animal-Assisted Intervention into Emergency Medicine Practice: The Value of Therapy-Dog Teams for Improved Patient & Staff Experience. CAEP: Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Annual Conference,  Saskatoon, SK, June 12.

Pavelich, A., H., Dell, C., McKenzie, H., Stempien, J., Hozack,A., Rowsell, L.,Smith, J. & TBD Patient Partner. (2024). The PAWSitive Impact of Visiting Therapy Dogs For Patients Presenting To the Emergency Department for Mental Health and Substance Use Concerns. Emergency Medicine Day: Saskatchewan, Annual Conference, Swift Current, SK, May 25.

Pavelich, A., Dell, C., & De Groot, P. (2024). Exploring the role of service dogs for Canadian military Veterans experiencing suicidality. Human-Animal Interaction, 12(1), 1-9.

Pavelich, A., Dell, C.,McKenzie, H., Stempien, J., Hozack, A., Rowsell, L., Gunderson, J., & Smith, J. (2024). The Support Role of Therapy Dogs for Suicidal Patients Presenting to a Hospital Emergency Department. Suicide Research Symposium (SRS) – Annual Conference co-hosted by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention [Virtual], on April 17-19.

Williamson, L., Dell, C., Chalmers, D., Rath, G., Gibson, M., Pavelich, A., Khalid,A., & TBD Patient Partner (2024). The Importance of the Human-Animal Bond for Veteran-Service Dog Teams from a One-Welfare Perspective. SaskSPCA 2024 Gathering for Animal& Human Welfare, Saskatoon, SK, April 12-14.

McKenzie, H. A., Dell, C.A., Arisman, K., Pavelich, A., Williamson, L., Snead, E., Gibson, M., Carey, B., Raichuk, E., Beaupre, C., Khalid, A., Buhr, E., Smith, J., Peachy, S., Kubes, K., (2023) Where narratives about human-animal relations during the COVID-19 pandemic lead us: Advancing animal-inclusive housing to promote human and animal health. ISAZ 2023 Anthrozoology: The Spectrum of Human-Animal Interactions and Relationships, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 15 - 18.

Pavelich, A., McKenzie, H., Dell, C., Stempien,J., Laliberte, L., Arisman, K., Smith, J., Hozack, A., Tupper, S., Acoose, S.,Gunderson, J., and Pease, E. (2023). Understanding if and how therapy-dog handler teams benefit emergency department patients with mental health concerns. Canadian Sociological Association - Annual Congress, Toronto, ON,  May 27 - June 2.

Tupper, S., Beckwell, E., Pavelich, A., Arisman, K., and Fesciuc, D. (2023). Solutions-focused story telling: challenging pain related stigma and marginalization through graphic medicine. Canadian Pain Society, Banff, Alberta, May 10 - 13. Canadian Journal of Pain.

Carey, B., Dell, C.A., Pavelich, A. (2023).The Pawsitive Effect of TherapyDogs in a Hospital Emergency Department. The ScienceBreaker. 2 pages. DOI:

Pavelich, A. (2022). The Life-Saving Role of Service Dogs for Canadian Military Veterans Experiencing Suicidality. Critical Suicide Studies 4th Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC, October 21 - 22.

Tupper, S., Jack, J.,Jones, C., Juckes, K., Hewson, M., Pavelich, A., Beckwell, E., McCreery,R., Ugolini, C., Coe, J., Baerg, K., Downe, P., Dell, C., and Lawson, K. (2022). Improving pain in Saskatchewan, Canada: a community-based participatory project to identify, co-design, and engage change in pain management. International Association for the Study of Pain, Toronto, ON, September 19 - 23.

Pavelich, A. (2022). The Life-Saving Role of Service Dogs for Military Veterans Experiencing Suicidality. Suicide Research Symposium (SRS) – Inaugural Conference, Mount Sinai Health System, New York City, NY on June 16– 17.

Pavelich, A. (2022). The Life-Saving Role of Service Dogs in Promoting "Mattering" for Military Veterans Experiencing Suicidality. Canadian Sociological Association - Annual Congress,  May 16 - 20.

Jones, C., Jack, J., Hewson, M., Pavelich, A., Okeeweehow, S., Beckwell, E., McCreery, R., Baerg, K., Juckes, K., Coe, J., Dell, C., Downe, P., Lawson, K., Ugulini, C., and Tupper, S. (2022). Partners in Pain: Evaluation of a virtual community engagement group for people living with chronic pain in Saskatchewan. Canadian Pain Society - Annual Meeting in Montreal, Quebec on May 10 - 13.

Dell, C., Williamson, L., Carey, B., McKenzie, H., Pavelich, A., Gibson, M., & Cruz, M. (2021). Responding to university student substance use and mental health concerns during COVID-19 through an on-line therapy dog program. Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, Issues of Substance 2021: Driving Change Together, in Ottawa, Ontario on November 23 – 25.

Dell, C., Williamson, L.,Gibson, M., & Pavelich, A. (2022). The varied helping roles of service dogs in the recovery journeys of veterans diagnosed with PTSD & substance use disorder. The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) Issues of Substance 2021 conference. Virtual format, November 23-25.

Dell, C., Williamson, L., Carey, B., McKenzie, H., Pavelich, A., Gibson, M., & Cruz, M. (2021). Responding to university student substance use and mental health concerns during COVID-19 through an on-line therapy dog program. Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, Issues of Substance 2021: Driving Change Together, in Ottawa, Ontario on November 23 – 25.

Dell, C., Williamson, L., Gibson, M., & Pavelich, A. (2021). Panel: The Varied Helping Roles of Service Dogs in the Recovery Journeys of Veterans Diagnosed with PTSD & Substance Use Disorder. Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, Issues of Substance 2021: Driving Change Together, in Ottawa, Ontario on November 23 – 25.

Pavelich, A. (2021). Animal-assisted intervention and suicidality: The impact of service dogs for Veterans at high-risk for suicide. American Psychological Association (APA) Convention - Human Animal Interaction Social Hour, in Washington, DC on August 12.

Dell, C., Williamson, L., Carey, B., Cruz, M.,Gibson, E., & Pavelich, A. (2022) Transitioning therapy dogs online during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned. Animals. (ISSN 2076-2615).

Carey, B., Pavelich, A., Fletcher-Hildebrand, S. (2021). Transitioning therapy dogs online during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned. 10th Annual E-Mental Health Conference: Virtual Care in Times of Crisis and Beyond, at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, B.C., on March 4.

Pavelich, A. (2021). Exploring animal-assisted intervention among military veterans: The potential social significance and impact of psychiatric service dogs. Poster submitted for presentation at the Anthrozoology as International Practice: A Student Conference in Animal Studies at the University of Exeter, UK on March 4-5.

Pavelich, A. (2021). Exploring animal-assisted intervention among military veterans: The potential social significance and impact of psychiatric service dogs. Paper submitted for presentation at the Anthrozoology as International Practice: A Student Conference in Animal Studies at the University of Exeter, UK on March 4-5.

Pavelich, A. (2021). The Depoliticization of Suicide: A Critical Discourse Analysis on the Government of Canada’s Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention. Paper submitted for presentation at the "Re-Imaging Social Futures" Conference at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta, March 4-5.

Carey, B. (Presenter), Dell, C., Williamson, L., Pavelich, A., McKenzie, H., Gibson,M., Cruz, M. (2020). “Transitioning a Therapy Dog Program Online during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned”. Virtual Solutions for Substance Use Care Conference.University of British Columbia. Virtual Platform. In absentia.

Pavelich, A. (2019, May). Culture as Intervention: Applying Indigenous Knowledge & Self-Determination to Suicide Prevention Policies in Northern Saskatchewan. Sojourners: Undergraduate Journal of Sociology, 11. UBC. (Also available on ResearchGate).

Pavelich, A. (2019) The Medicalization of Suicide and its Depoliticization of Social Suffering. Presenter at the Sociology Undergraduate Student Association Academic Conference on March 15th, 2019 at York University in Toronto, Ontario. Best Presentation Recipient.

Bohr, Y., Manion, I., Lee, Y., Armour, L., Pavelich, A., & Abdelmaseh, M. (2019). I(nuit)-SPARX: Design of a Culture Specific Mental Health e-Intervention by Nunavut Youth for Nunavut Youth. Paper presentation at the International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health at the Hyatt Regency in Calgary, Alberta, March 22-24.

Pavelich, A.
(2018, March). Culture as Intervention: Applying Indigenous Knowledge & Self-Determination to Suicide Prevention Policy in Northern Saskatchewan. Paper presented at the Sociology Undergraduate Student Association Academic Conference on March 15th, 2018 at York University in Toronto, Ontario.

Pavelich, A. (2017, April). From Deviance to Disease: The Role of Medicalization in the History of Psychopathology. Paper presented at the Medical Practices & Processes Panel at the Mount Royal Historical Society Foothills Colloquium on April 30th at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta.


Pavelich, A.,
Flett, G., &Dell, C.  Mattering And the Human-Animal Bond: The Social Significance of Service Dogs for Military Veterans Experiencing Suicidality. For submission to Canadian Psychology, Special Issue on “Mattering.” 

Pavelich, A., Dell,C., McKenzie, H., Stempien, J., Hozack, A., Smith, J., Arisman, K., & Rowsell, L. "Better Than Any Medicine:" The Impact of Therapy Dogs for Emergency Department Patients Presenting with Mental Health & Substance Use Concerns. Patient Experience Journal.

McKenzie, H.A., Dell, C.A., Arisman, K., Pavelich, A., Williamson, L., Snead, E., Gibson, M., Carey, B., Raichuk, E., Beaupre,C., Khalid, A., Buhr, E., Smith. J. & Peachey, S. Where Narratives About Human-Animal Relations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lead Us: Advancing Animal-Inclusive Housing to Promote Human and Animal Health. Frontiers in Communication.


Pavelich, A. (2022). Navigating iatrogenic harm among female pain patients: Utilizing institutional ethnography to explore the social organization of trauma-informed care. Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California, onAugust 5 - 7.

Pavelich, A. (2022). The significance of "mattering:" Exploring the experiences of military veterans living with PTSD, substance use harms, and pain while working alongside service dogs. Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California, on August 5 – 7.

COVID-19 POST-PONED: Pavelich, A. (2020). The Depoliticization of Suicide: A Critical Discourse Analysis on the Government of Canada’s Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention. Paper submitted for presentation at the Fourth Conference of the Critical Suicide Studies Network at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC,June 12-13.

COVID-19 POST-PONED: Pavelich, A. (2020). The Medicalization of Social Suffering: The Depoliticizing Nature of Psychiatric Labels in Critical Suicidology. Paper submitted for presentation at the Sociology Graduate Conference: Social Justice in a Changing Society at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, April22-24.

Pavelich, A. (2017). Medicalization and Pharmaceutical Intervention within Psychiatry. Invited Paper Presenter at the Humber College AcademicConference re: The State of (in)Equality: Social Justice Under Siege on October 28th at the Harbourfront Center inToronto, Ontario.

Non-Refereed Contributions & Creative Outputs

Pavelich, A. (2021- 2022). Episodes 1 – 10; 16-20: Various pain topics with pain researchers and people with lived experience.” Your Partners in Pain. Spotify/Transistor Podcast (30 minutes).

Pavelich, A. (2021,September). Animal-assisted intervention and suicidality: The impact of service dogs for Veterans at high risk for suicide. Instructional Online Webinar for the“Human-Animal Interactions Research” group on September 15, 2021 at the HAI Research Group of the American Psychological Association in Washington, DC.

Pavelich,A. (2021, April). Exploring animal-assisted intervention among military veterans: The potential social significance and impact of psychiatric service dogs. Instructional 990 Series Webinar presented to the Department of Sociology on April 30th, 2021 at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Pavelich, A., McKenzie, H., & Hedley, P. (2020, May). “Episode11: "Hey all you cool dogs and puppies." BeWell at USask. Spotify/YoutubePodcast (27:26 seconds).

Pavelich, A., & Wirchenko,T. (2020, January). Introducing a Therapy Dog for Staff Members in the Peter MacKinnon and Administration Building: Pilot Project Report. University of Saskatchewan, Pilot Project Report. Office of Centennial Enhancement Chair in One Health & Wellness.

Pavelich, A., Dell,C., & Ogresko, J. (2019, November). PAWS Your Stress: A Therapy DogProgram on the University of Saskatchewan Campus. USask Media Production - Promotional Video. (6:24 seconds).

BeWell: Therapy Dogs & Animal-Assisted Interventions (2019, September). USask Student Wellness Center Information [Brochure]. Saskatoon, SK: Pavelich, A.

McQuay,J., Pavelich, A., Porter, S., Tarantini, M., Van Dusen, O., and Wong, F.(2019, August). Undergraduate Student Expectations and Experiences in York University’s Sociology Program Final Report for FLR at York University in 2018– 2019 as supported by the Sociology Undergraduate Student Association (SUSA)at York University in Toronto, Ontario.

Unscheduled Instructional Activity & Guest Lectures

An Interdisciplinary Approach to One Health & One Welfare: Studies from the PAWSitive Connections Lab (April 30, 2024)
Online Webinar Presentation alongside Aliya Khalid - Saskatoon, SK
University of Saskatchewan: 990 Series for Interdisciplinary Studies Department

Knowledge Mobilization, Translation, and Exchange for Health Policy Action & Political Change (February 28, 2024)
Lecture presentation alongside Kayla Arisman - Saskatoon, SK
University of Saskatchewan: School of Public Health

An Online Webinar for St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Teams & Volunteers (February 5, 2024)
Online Webinar Presentation alongside Dr. Colleen Dell and Benjamin Carey - Ottawa, ON
St. John Ambulance - National

Understanding if and how therapy-dog handler teams benefit emergency department patients with mental health concerns (June 27, 2023) Competitive Studentship Grant Recipient Speaker - Toronto, Ontario
Mental Health Research Canada Annual Board Meeting

Animal-Assisted Intervention: The Impact of Working Dogs through the One Health & Wellness Office / SUAP  (April 13, 2022)
University of Saskatchewan – Presentation for the Honorable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Mental Health & Addictions with Dr. Colleen Dell, Darlene Chalmers,  Maryellen Gibson, & Alexandria Pavelich

Partners in Pain Webinar: Pain Management & Medical Cannabis (March 30, 2022)
Saskatchewan Pain Society – Presentation for the“Partners in Pain” Webinar  Series alongside pharmacist Kelly Kizlyk and Dr. Robert Laprairie about the use of medical cannabis in pain management, and my lived experience of pain.

Animal-Assisted Interaction and Suicidality: The Impact of Service Dogs for Veterans at High Risk for Suicide (September 15, 2021)
Washington, DC - HAI Research Group for the American Psychological Association

Exploring animal-assisted intervention among military veterans: The potential social significance and impact of psychiatric service dogs (April 30, 2021)
University of Saskatchewan – 990 Seminar Series

Introducing Animal-Assisted Intervention & Therapy Dogs (January 27, 2020)
University of Saskatchewan - Guest Lecture Session in Peer Health Mentor Education Seminar

Fostering Graduate Student Success: SSHRC Funding (October 4, 2019)
University of Saskatchewan - 990 Seminar Series

Introduction to Research Skills for I-SPARX Youth Champions Retreat (April 14, 2019)
Development and lead on introductory research skills, ethics, and community-based participatory action research for Inuit Youth in conjunction with I-SPARX Fly for Nunavut research initiative

News Media Appearances

Please see media section on Knowledge translation page.

Service to Department & University Community

Sociology Graduate Student Association (SGSA)                                             2019 - 2021
University of Saskatchewan, Director of Communications

Sociology Undergraduate Student Association                                                 2018 – 2019
Undergraduate Student Conference

York University

Sociology Undergraduate Student Association(SUSA)                                    2016 – 2019
York University & University of Saskatchewan

QRRC Undergraduate Committee Member                                                    2017 – 2019
Department of Sociology, York University

Student Delegate and Session Monitor                                                                        2018
International Sociological Association – XIX World Congress of Sociology

Volunteer Experience & Community Involvement

Therapy Dog Team - Program Recruiter & Evaluator                                 2019 - Present
St. John Ambulance, Saskatchewan & Alberta Region

SaskPain Board Member                                                                                  2021- 2023
Saskatchewan Pain Society, Saskatchewan Region

Team Lead and Community Caretaker                                                           2017– 2019
Cat Trap, Neuter, Return Program – City of Toronto

Peer Health Mentor                                                                                          2016- 2017
What’s Your Cap? – University of Saskatchewan

Student Writer and Photographer                                                                    2016- 2017
The Sheaf Publishing Co. – University of Saskatchewan

Professional Affiliations & Memberships

Canadian Sociological Association (CSA)

International Society for Anthrozoology

Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention

The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP)

Canadian Pain Society (CPS)

Critical Suicide International Network

Psychophysiologic Disorders Association (PPDA)

The International Association for the Study of the Pain (IASP)

American College Health Association

GoldenKey International Honour Society

Additional Technical Skills & Certifications

Gender-Based Analysis Plus Certification. Course completion of GBA Plus - Women & Gender Equality Canada offered by the Government of Canada. Completed January 2024.

Mental Health First Aid Training. 2-Day Workshop Certification offered by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Completed  December 2023.

Ethical Animal Research Certification –Certificate from the University of Saskatchewan for Research Involving Animals Course Completed January 2023.  

Knowledge Translation Professional Certification. 10-Day Workshop Certification offered by the SickKids Hospital (Toronto) and the University of Toronto Continuing Education Department. Completed November 2022.

Trauma Informed Practice: Growing Awareness (Level 1) and Creating Safety (Level 2). Certificate recognition offered by the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Completed February 2022.   

TA Success Days– Multi-Session Teaching Assistant Training. Certificate recognition offered by the University of Saskatchewan. Co-Curricular Record Completed January 2022.   

NVivo 12 Pro Proficiency: half-day instructional course led by certified NVivo instructor and Qualitative Research Manager & Specialist, Rachel Tang.Learn basic qualitative research coding through the use of NVivo software for Windows, hosted by the Canadian Hub for Applied and Social Research (CHASR) at the University of Saskatchewan on October 28, 2020.

Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma - Part 1: Strategies to Treat Patients Trapped in the Freeze Response.Hosted by The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM)- CE Accredited Courses online psychotherapy training programs. October 14, 2020.

Sexual Violence Prevention & Response –Certificate Program offered by the University of Saskatchewan. Co-Curricular Record Completed November 2020.  

TCPS 2: Core – Certificate from the Panel on Research Ethics re: Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research InvolvingHumans Course Completed November 2018.  

Inuit Cultural Competency Certification: As delivered in a Workshop entitled, “Inuit Awareness: History and Cultural Competency,” by Adam Akpik of Embrace Life Council from Iqaluit,Nunavut in September 2017.

Microsoft Office: Microsoft Word Levels 1 – 3; Microsoft Excel Levels 1 – 3; Microsoft Access; Microsoft PowerPoint Levels 1 – 3. Outlook.

Software: Extensive experience with Microsoft OS(Windows & Apple) interfaces; EMRs (Accuro, MedAccess); Statistical Applications (STATA); Qualitative Research Software (NVivo); RedCap; AdobeAcrobat, Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop.

Other - Training Areas of Academic Inquiry

Preliminary Social Sciences: Foundations in Psychology, Sociology, Cultural Anthropology, Women and Gender Studies, Criminology, Personality Psychology, Processes in Social Psychology, History of Medicine, Introduction to Mad Studies, Social Theory, Research Methods(Surveys, Statistics).

Interdisciplinary Health Studies: Qualitative Health Research, Health Policy, Health Program Planning and Evaluation, Knowledge Translation, Global Perspectives in Psychiatry, Medical Anthropology, Theoretical Positions on Health and Culture, Indigenous Health in Canada, Selected Topics in Social Work(Eating Disorders, Addictions, Critical Mental Health), Sociology of Human Reproduction, Healthcare Systems & Processes (9 Credits), Women’s Social Gerontology, Sociology of Addictions, Advanced Sociological Theory, Advanced Social Research Methods, Advanced Social Statistics, Directed Studies in Suicide Prevention, Critical Disability Studies, and Animal-Human Interactions and Anthrozoology.

Letters of recommendation & references available upon request

academic health researcher & photojournalist.
Using Format